Predictions have been concerned about the issue, especially in the macroeconomic. Univariate time series prediction can not meet basic needs. Multiple macroeconomic time series has urgent demand for reasonable model. Currently AR model and VAR model develop better, and to some extent, are used for analysis and policy analysis in macro fields. While state space model validates observable variables, unobserved variables are added. In an open economy and the rapid development background, state-space model can adapt to the actual needs. This paper selects the three basic macroeconomic variables in three areas (industrial, money supply and CPI), fitting VAR model and state space model and predicting, comparing predictions. The results show that the prediction accuracy of the state space model is superior to the VAR model.
Jingru Yin(College of Statistics and Mathematics,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming Yunnan)
Statistical and Application