为了解新高考背景下地方高校学生学习适应性真实状态,笔者通过改进学习适应性问卷量表,以绍兴高校为例调查地方高校大学生学习适应水平,分析其影响因素, 为进一步探索提高学生学习适应性的措施提供依据。研究表明大学生在自主学习能力、专业认同、环境适应、心理适应这几方面存在着较大差异,文章从学校、教师、学生自身三个方面给出了提高大学生适应性的针对性建议。
In order to understand the real learning adaptability of local college students under the background of the new college entrance examination, the authors improve the learning adaptability questionnaire to take Shaoxing’s university as an example to investigate the learning adaptability level of local university students, and analyze the influencing factors, which can provide a basis for further exploring the measures to improve students’ learning adaptability. The research shows that there are great differences among college students in autonomous learning ability, professional identity, environmental adaptation and psychological adaptation. This paper gives targeted suggestions to improve college students’ adaptability from three aspects: school, teachers and students themselves.
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