The research on the right-censored Cox regression model with constraints is often based on the partial likelihood function, whereas the likelihood function ignores the unknown baseline hazard rate function. We devote to solving two problems. One is to obtain the maximum likelihood estimations of regression parameters and cumulative hazard function based on the complete likelihood function. Another is to transform the optimization problem with restrictions into the unrestricted optimization problem. The ADMM algorithm can introduce constraints into the objective function so as to transform the conditional optimization problem into an unconditional optimization problem. The MM algorithm has the advantage of separating parameters in solving optimization problems. Therefore, we first use the ADMM algorithm to transform the optimization problem with restrictions into an unconditional optimization problem. Then we apply the MM algorithm to maximize the new objective function in order to separate the parameters and the non-parameters, which is helpful to solve the problems of estimating the regression parameters and nonparametric cumulative hazard function. Meanwhile, the use of inequality which can transform the high-dimensional function into a sum of one-dimensional functions avoids the difficulty of matrix inversion.
Statistical and Application