In the context of increasing global aging, our survival-based method analyzes the influencing factors of prognosis of elderly breast cancer patients, which can better determine the risk stratification and formulate appropriate treatment methods, which has practical significance and application value for predicting the survival probability of patients and reducing the risk of death. This paper mainly analyzes the data from SEER, an American cancer database. First, the survival curves of population, age, sex, race, oncology grade, T stage, M stage, N stage, whether to receive radiotherapy and whether to receive chemotherapy were described by K-M estimation. Secondly, independent prognostic factors were determined by single factor Cox model analysis, and then a multi factor Cox proportional hazards regression model was constructed by stepwise regression. The final influencing variables were: Age, M stage, whether to receive radiotherapy;Similarly, in the case of competitive events, firstly, Nelson-Aalen cumulative risk curve (CIF) is used to analyze the difference of risk function between different groups of each variable. Secondly, a single factor competitive risk model is established to determine the independent prognostic variables that affect survival time and outcome. The independent prognostic factors determined are: Age, M stage, whether to receive radiotherapy or not, based on this, a multi factor competitive risk model is constructed. The accuracy of the model prediction is judged by comparing the consistency index (C-index) and calibration curve of the two prediction models. The results show that the competitive risk model is relatively good. Finally, the survival probability is visualized by constructing a nomogram.
Statistical and Application