本文采用网络文本分析法,通过爬取携程、马蜂窝中的游记,探究游客对新疆旅游形象的感知情况;通过爬取新疆维吾尔自治区文化和旅游厅的官方网站公告信息,探究官方投射形象情况。并根据AISAS模型,提出新疆应当从关注旅游者的实际需求、加强旅游目的地品牌塑造、加大特色旅游资源推广、加大基础设施投入和注重旅游者感知五个方面促进旅游业的发展。This study employs network text analysis to investigate tourists’ perceptions of Xinjiang’s tourism image by retrieving travelogues from Ctrip and MaFengWo;it also examines the official projection image by crawling the official website announcements of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Based on the AISAS model, this paper suggests that Xinjiang should advance the tourism industry by focusing on five aspects: addressing tourists’ actual needs, enhancing the destination’s brand image, boosting the promotion of distinctive tourism resources, augmenting infrastructure investment, and focusing on tourist perceptions.
Statistical and Application