
企业内部因素与绿色供应链管理实践关系研究—基于制度压力的调节作用 被引量:1

Research on the Relationship between Internal Factors and Green Supply Chain Management Practices—Based on Regulatory Function of Institutional Pressures
摘要 从供应链绿色化联合驱动机理角度出发,提出企业内部资源与能力因素以及外部压力对GSCM实践影响的概念模型。基于制度理论和自然资源基础观理论,探讨企业内部资源和战略能力与GSCM实践之间的关系,并建立制度压力对这两者之间关系的调节模型。通过对104份广西汽车制造业企业调查问卷的分析,应用SPSS统计分析软件和层次调节回归分析方法,实证检验制度压力调节作用下,企业内部资源和战略能力对GSCM实践的作用机理。研究结果表明:1) 除投资回收外,其他三个GSCM实践均受到企业内部资源和战略能力的积极影响;2) 投资回收仅受企业内部资源的积极影响;3) 强制压力对自变量企业内部资源和战略能力与因变量GSCM实践之间的大部分关系产生积极的调节作用;规范压力对自变量与因变量之间的关系没有调节作用;模拟压力对自变量与因变量之间的关系产生负面的调节作用。研究结论丰富了制度理论和自然资源基础观理论,扩展了组织内外部因素联合驱动企业采纳绿色供应链管理实践的实证研究,为企业开展环境管理实践、构建具备“整合、创新、协同、共赢、绿色”等核心特征的现代供应链和保持可持续发展竞争优势提供理论参考和管理启示。 From the perspective of the joint driving mechanism for greening supply chain, a conceptual model of the impact of the internal resources and capabilities and external pressures on GSCM practices is proposed. Based on the institutional theory and natural resource-based view theory, this paper explores the relationship between internal resources and strategic capabilities and GSCM practices and builds a moderation model of institutional pressures on the relationship between them. Through the analysis of 104 enterprise questionnaires about automobile manufacturing in Guangxi, the study empirically verifies the mechanism of the effect of internal resources and strategic capabilities on GSCM practice under the moderating of institutional pressures by the tool of SPSS and hierarchical moderated regression analysis. The results of this research show that: 1) except for investment recovery, other three GSCM practices are positively affected by internal resources and strategic capabilities;2) investment recovery is positively affected only by internal resources;3) coercive pressure has positive moderating effects on most of the relationships between independent variables (internal resources and strategic capabilities) and dependent variables (GSCM practices);normative pressure has no moderating effects on the relationships between independent variables and dependent variables;mimetic pressure has negative moderating effects on the relationships between independent variables and dependent variables. The conclusion enriches the institutional theory and natural resource-based view theory, and expands the empirical research on the combination of internal and external factors driving enterprises to adopt green supply chain management practices. The study provides enterprises with theoretical reference and management enlightenment to carry out environmental management practices, construct a modern supply chain with the core features of “integration, innovation, synergy, win-win and greenness”, and maintain the competitive advantage of sustainable development.
出处 《可持续发展》 2018年第1期38-57,共20页 Sustainable Development
基金 2015年国家社科基金项目《基于生态创新视角的西部地区传统制造业供应链可持续性治理框架研究》(15BJY077) 2017年广西科技大学研究生教育创新计划项目《广西传统制造业供应链绿色驱动机理研究》(GKYC201717) 016年广西壮族自治区科学技术协会课题项目《加快推进广西科技人才供给侧结构性改革对策研究》(桂科协[2016]B-02) 2017年柳州市科学研究与技术开发计划课题《科技创新驱动柳州制造业转型升级的实证研究》(2017BH60301)的支持。
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