自2013年因解决我国城市严重内涝问题应运而生的海绵城市建设逐步成为我国城市建设领域的常态化内容,探讨海绵城市的规划与建设的进展与得失,科学指导海绵城市建设显得具有重要意义。本文通过研究发现,国外海绵城市规划与建设研究大致可以分为三个时期:水量管理时期、水质管理时期、可持续管理时期。国内尚处于探索和发展期,研究工作主要集中在五个方面:1) 雨洪开发与利用策略及规划研究;2) 海绵城市理论研究;3) 海绵城市规划编制研究;4) 海绵设施实施方案及策略研究;5) 海绵城市建设的策略、路径和方法。
Since 2013, sponge city construction, which arises at the historic moment due to the serious wa-terlogging problem in Chinese cities, has gradually become a normal content in the field of urban construction in China. It is of great significance to discuss the progress and gains and losses of sponge city planning and construction and scientifically guide the construction of sponge city. This paper finds that the research on sponge city planning and construction in foreign countries can be divided into three periods: water management period, water quality management period and sus-tainable management period. China is still in the stage of exploration and development, and the re-search work mainly focuses on five aspects: 1) The strategy and planning of stormwater and rain flood development and utilization;2) Research on sponge city theory;3) Research on sponge city planning;4) Study on implementation plan and strategy of sponge facilities;5) Strategies, paths and methods of sponge city construction.
Sustainable Development