COVID-19 epidemic is a major health emergency with a significant impact on economic and social development globally, and China is facing new challenges in regional economic development. We analyzed the characteristics of regional economic changes under the impact of COVID-19 epidemic based on quarterly GDP at provincial level and the quarterly new confirmed cases of COVID-19, and discussed the spatial agglomeration characteristics of provincial economy and epidemic using Moran index, at last empirically studied the significant inhibitory effect of the epidemic on regional economy based on spatial dynamic models. According to the research: The epidemic had a great impact on economy of China, but China had a good toughness of economic development and the regional economy gradually recovered in the last three quarters, COVID-19 epidemic had significant direct inhibitory effect on economic development and significant negative spatial spillover effect. Provincial economy in China also had a significant positive spatial spillover effect and strong toughness, which also had positive spatial spillover effect. Therefore in China, insisting on scientific and effective prevention and control measures is an important guarantee for the steady and healthy development of the regional economy in the future.
Sustainable Development