

The Impact of the Implementation of the National Sustainable Development Plan for Resource-Based Cities on the Optimization of Industrial Structure
摘要 随着自然资源的不断开采与利用,资源型城市的经济发展也逐渐受到资源枯竭所带来的制约。为支持资源型地区经济转型发展,国务院于2013年印发了《全国资源型城市可持续发展规划》(下文简称《规划》),《规划》将资源型城市分为成长型、成熟型、衰退型及再生型四种类型。该规划实施已过十年,那么《规划》对资源型城市的产业结构优化到底带来了什么样的影响,本文尝试在已有研究的基础上,研究《规划》对不同类型及不同地区资源型城市的产业结构合理度及高级度的影响,选取了2006年至2019年280个地级市及以上行政区作为研究对象,通过PSM-DID的方法建立了多元回归模型研究《规划》对资源型城市产业结构高级度及合理度的影响。实证研究发现,《规划》的实施促进了资源型城市产业结构高级度及合理度。分类型来看,《规划》促进了成熟型、成熟型、衰退型和再生型四种资源型城市产业结构高级度指标,也促进了成长型和成熟型资源型城市的产业结构合理化;分地区来看,《规划》促进了东中西部地区产业结构高级化,促进了西部地区产业结构合理化。鉴于此结果,本文为资源型城市进一步的转型发展提出了针对性的政策建议。 With the continuous exploitation and utilization of natural resources, the economic development of resource-based cities is gradually restricted by resource depletion. In order to support the economic transformation and development of resource-based regions, the State Council issued the National Sustainable Development Plan for Resource-Based Cities (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) in 2013. The Plan divides resource-based cities into four types: Growth type, mature type, decline type, and regeneration type. Ten years have passed since the implementation of the Plan, so what kind of impact does the Plan have on the optimization of the industrial structure of re-source-based cities? Based on the existing research, this paper attempts to study the impact of the Plan on the rationality and sophistication of the industrial structure of resource-based cities in different types and regions, and selects 280 prefecture-level cities and above administrative dis-tricts from 2006 to 2019 as the research objects, a multiple regression model was established using the PSM-DID method to study the impact of the Plan on the advanced and reasonable industrial structure of resource-based cities. Empirical research has found that the implementation of the Plan promotes the advanced and reasonable industrial structure of resource-based cities. In terms of classification, the Plan promotes four advanced indicators of the industrial structure of re-source-based cities: mature, mature, declining, and regenerative, and also promotes the rational-ization of the industrial structure of growth and mature resource-based cities;from a regional perspective, the Plan has promoted the upgrading of industrial structure in the eastern, central, and western regions, as well as the rationalization of industrial structure in the western region. Given this result, this article proposes targeted policy recommendations for the further transfor-mation and development of resource-based cities.
出处 《可持续发展》 2023年第5期1628-1637,共10页 Sustainable Development
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