我国作为一个发展迅速的发展中国家,建筑业发展迅速,建筑数量不断增加,城市化进程也在不断推进,但同时也面临着建筑能耗总量持续增长的挑战。本文结合重庆地区的地域气候特征,选取重庆市某行政区内拟建的一栋移动通信枢纽大厦作为研究对象,利用Autodesk Revit软件和斯维尔节能软件,对办公建筑进行节能分析。通过对采光方面的模拟分析,发现建筑不满足节能标准的问题,提出相应的优化方案,并进行优化前后的能耗对比分析。旨在为绿色办公建筑节能减耗提供分析方法和思路,为绿色办公建筑优化设计提供参考。
As a rapidly developing developing country, China has witnessed rapid growth in its construction industry, with a continuously increasing number of buildings and advancing urbanization. However, it also faces the challenge of continuously rising total building energy consumption. This article combines the regional climate characteristics of Chongqing and selects a proposed mobile communication hub building within a certain administrative region of Chongqing as the research object. By utilizing Autodesk Revit software and Sverch software, it conducts an energy-saving analysis on office buildings. Through simulation analysis of day lighting, based on the analysis, it identifies issues where the building fails to meet energy-saving standards and proposes corresponding optimization solutions. It also conducts a comparative analysis of energy consumption before and after optimization. The aim is to provide analysis methods and ideas for energy conservation and reduction in green office buildings, and to provide a reference for the optimized design of green office buildings.
Sustainable Development