The progress of human civilization has reached a crucial transition of energy use. In the past, the widespread use of mineral fuels has not only brought about remarkable increases in wealth (as measured by the Gross Domestic Product, for example) but also resulted in increased environ-mental pollution, as indicated by heightened CO2 emissions. This phenomenon, which is referred to as the bipolarized effect of energy use, has hindered future sustainable development. Therefore, it is important to consider new methods for building models of energy use in order to develop a low-carbon economy, just like China’s common saying “energy conservation and emission reduction”. As the largest consumer of fossil fuels and the largest emitter of CO2 of the world, China may face mounting challenges in protecting its vulnerable environment unless it can successfully transit from the traditional economic model, which promotes energy exploitation rather than energy conservation, to a model that considers energy exploitation and conservation equally and, finally, to a model that focuses primarily on energy conservation.
Sustainable Energy