无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network, WSNs)在民用和军事上有着广泛的应用,如居民区无线抄表(水表、电表和燃气表)系统。无线传感器网络的主要功能是收集传感器节点的数据。WM2RP协议是无线抄表领域的一种数据收集协议。MATLAB和UPPAAL工具都具有仿真功能,但是对协议进行仿真时各有其优缺点。这篇文章通过对WM2RP协议的仿真来比较MATLAB和UPPAAL工具。仿真结果表明,MATLAB擅长于仿真能量的消耗和数据收集轮数的表示,通常以曲线图的形式进行显示;而UPPAAL倾向于对有时间戳的协议进行仿真,并可以通过时序图形象的展示出通信过程。
Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) has been widely used in civil and military, such as in Automatic Meter Reading System (water meter, electric meter and gas meter). The main function of Wireless Sensor Network is gathering data of sensor nodes. WM2RP protocol is a data gathering protocol in automatic meter reading application. MATLAB and UPPAAL both have the function of simulation, but they have their advantages and disadvantages. This paper compares MATLAB and UPPAAL through the simulation of WM2RP protocol. The result of simulation shows that MATLAB is good at the simulation of energy consumption and the number of data collection rounds. The result is usually displayed in the form of a graph. However, UPPAAL tends to emulate the protocol which has a timestamp and the communication process can be showed through image sequence diagrams.
Software Engineering and Applications