Introduced in 2015, ORB-SLAM is one of the most well-developed and easy-to-use systems among current simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems, it reaches the peak of popular feature-based SLAM systems. This system contains all necessary modules of SLAM: feature matching, tracking, mapping, relocalization and loop closing. It is suitable for monocular camera, stereo camera, RGBD camera and fisheye camera. Also, it solves the trajectory of the camera in real time and generates sparse 3D reconstruction of scenes. ORB-SLAM3 was released in 2020, integrating three methods of covisibility graph, words bag and ORB feature matching. In this paper, three main aspects: camera model, multi-map system and map merging are discussed. For each aspect, its key techniques in each release are analyzed and improvements are demonstrated to provide a comprehensive overview of the ORB-SLAM system. It is very friendly for the researcher of relevant field to understand its developments. In the end, the latest research progress of ORB-SLAM is introduced and evaluated.
Software Engineering and Applications