白及为兰科植物白及Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb.F.的干燥块茎,具有收敛止血、消肿生肌和抗瘤抑菌等功效,临床上广泛应用于咳血、吐血、外伤出血、疮疡肿毒、皮肤皲裂等。该文通过文献检索,收集白及止血、抗瘤、抑菌等各方面的资料,就白及发生理化作用的物质基础及其过程的问题,整理出部分的化学成分、发生机制以及一些现代化应用,为白及相关的中医药方面的研究以及未来的应用落实提供参考依据。
Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb. F. is a dry tuber of orchid, which has functions of stopping bleeding, detumescence and promoting granulation tissue growth, antitumor and bacteriostatic. Bletilla striata has been widely used in hemoptysis, haematemesis, swelling, skin and external diseases. In order to deeply understand material base of physicochemical action and its process, the article collects materials about stopping bleeding, antitumor and bacteriostatic by consulting literature, and arranges some chemical compositions, working mechanisms and some modern applications. Meanwhile, this article might provide information for the study of Bletilla striata and applications in the future.
Traditional Chinese Medicine