慢性盆腔痛(chronic pelvic pain, CPP)是盆腔炎性疾病后遗症(sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease, SPID)之一,其病因繁杂,诊治困难,复发率极高,严重损害妇女的生殖健康。现代医学多采用镇痛消炎药物、物理疗法,手术切除病灶等手段进行诊治,可较快缓解躯体疼痛,但存在相对局限的适应人群以及较高的复发率。中医则在审因求本的原则上采用中药口服汤剂、外用、针刺等疗法,可显著降低术后并发症及复发率,但缺乏可靠的循证医学证据。本文就SPID-CPP的中西医治疗方法现状进行分析,以期为本病的规范化诊治提供可靠的参考依据。
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is one of the sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease (SPID), which has a complex etiology, is difficult to diagnose and treat, has a high recurrence rate, and is a serious threat to women’s reproductive health. Modern medicine uses analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy and surgery to remove the lesion, which can provide quicker relief of physical pain, but has a relatively limited population and a high recurrence rate. Chinese medicine, on the other hand, adopts the principle of examining the cause and seeking the root cause of the problem by using oral Chinese medicine, external application and acupuncture, which can significantly reduce postoperative complications and recurrence rates, but there is a lack of reliable evidence-based medical evidence. This article analyses the current status of Chinese and Western medical treatments for SPID-CPP, with a view to providing a reliable reference basis for the standardized diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Traditional Chinese Medicine