本文介绍张发英针灸治疗颈椎病的临床经验。张发英认为颈椎病的病因病机有二,一脾肾两虚,气血不足;二外邪侵袭,合而致痹。故在治疗上,重视脾肾和颈项局部的调理,临证时从脏腑、经络两方面着手,巧妙的运用“腹针 + 体针”针刺法及“药罐拔毒法”,既针腹部以调脾理肾,从本而治;又针颈项患处以通脉止痛,循标而为;加以药罐热熨之力排泻毒浊,从而标本同治,虚实并举,恢复颈项之功能,解除患者之病痛,达到治疗目的。张师运用此法治疗颈椎病,临床疗效显著。
This paper introduces Zhang Faying’s clinical experience in treating cervical spondylosis. Zhang Faying believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of cervical spondylosis has two, one spleen and kidney deficiency, deficiency of qi and blood;two evil invasion, resulting in paralysis. So in the treatment, pay attention to the spleen and kidney and neck local conditioning, clinically from the viscera, meridians two aspects, cleverly use “abdominal acupuncture + body acupuncture” acupuncture method and “cupping poison method”, both acupuncture abdomen to regulate spleen and kidney, from the root;needle neck is affected by pulse pain and follow the standard;take the medicine jar hot ironing force to remove poison turbidity, so as to treat the symptoms and disease, deficiency and excess simultaneously, restore neck function, relieve the patient’s pain, to achieve the purpose of treatment. Zhang uses this method to treat cervical spondylosis, the clinical curative effect is remarkable.
Traditional Chinese Medicine