李天望教授认为胃食管反流病的病机关键在于肝郁脾虚,肝郁导致脾胃不和,胃气上逆;腹泻性肠易激综合征的病机关键在于肝郁脾虚、脾虚湿盛。其共同的病机都有肝郁脾虚,治疗以“培土抑木”为大法,具体为疏肝解郁,理气健脾。李教授强调1) 病证结合。辨病是基础,明确胃食管反流病重叠腹泻性肠易激综合征的疾病诊断后再辨证,才能抓住其本虚标实的特点,对其肝郁脾虚特点的认识更加准确,使治疗更加具体。2) 肝郁为标,脾虚为本。3) “培土抑木”是胃食管反流病重叠腹泻性肠易激综合征的关键治法。胃食管反流病重叠腹泻性肠易激综合征发病以肝气郁结、脾虚湿盛为主,故临证时应以疏肝解郁,理气健脾。4) 中西结合,灵活处方是胃食管反流病重叠腹泻性肠易激综合征重要治疗手段。通过中医辨证论治,将“培土抑木”法联合西医治法来调理脾胃,以达到治疗的目的。
Professor Li Tianwang believes that the key to the pathogenesis of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease lies in liver depression and spleen deficiency, liver qi stagnation, which leads to spleen and stomach disharmony and stomach qi reversal. The key to the pathogenesis of Diarrheal Irritable Bowel Syn-drome lies in liver depression, spleen deficiency, and spleen deficiency and dampness. Its common pathogenesis are liver depression and spleen deficiency, and the treatment is based on “cultivating soil and suppressing wood” as the main method, specifically to relieve liver depression and strengthen the spleen. Professor Li emphasized: 1) The combination of disease evidence. Disease differentiation is the basis, and the diagnosis of Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease overlapping Di-arrheal Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be clarified, in order to grasp its original virtual characteris-tics, understand the characteristics of liver depression and spleen deficiency more accurately, and make the treatment more specific. 2) Liver depression is the standard, spleen deficiency is the foundation. 3) “Peitu and wood suppression” is the key treatment of Diarrheal Irritable Bowel Syn-drome overlapping Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease. The onset of Gastro-eso- phageal Reflux Dis-ease overlapping Diarrheal Irritable Bowel Syndrome is mainly liver qi stagnation and spleen defi-ciency and dampness, so the liver should be loosened to relieve depression and qi and spleen should be practiced. 4) The combination of Chinese and Western and flexible prescription is an im-portant treatment method for Overlapping Syndrome in Diarrheal Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Through the dialectical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the “cultivation of soil and wood suppression” method is combined with Western medicine to mis-chievous the spleen and stomach to achieve the purpose of treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine