通过查阅古代文献,了解大麻精液的药名、产地、来源、性味和功能,并将这些信息与现代药理学研究相结合,我们旨在为这一药材的开发提出策略建议。大麻仁是桑科植物大麻(Cannabis sativa L.)的干燥成熟果实。其味甘、性平,归脾、胃、大肠经,具有润肠通便、滋补虚损的功效,临床上可用于治疗血虚、肠燥便秘等病症。它是国家认可的药材之一,种植和食用历史悠久。《诗经》首次记载了火麻仁的基原植物为大麻,其作为药材入药首见于《伤寒论》。《日用本草》则首次使用“火麻仁”药名。火麻仁的产地最初在黄河中下游一带,唐代后逐渐转向长江流域及以北地区,宋代时期该药材的种植规模不断扩大。新中国成立后,该药材的产地逐渐扩展到全国各地。目前,主要种植在黑龙江、辽宁、吉林、四川、甘肃、云南、广西等地区。其中,黑龙江和广西出产的药材质量最高。
By reviewing ancient literature, the drug’s name, origin, source, sexual taste, and function of Cannabis semen, and combining this information with modern pharmacological research, we aim to propose a strategy for the development of this medicinal material. Semen Cannabis is the dried mature fruit of Cannabis sativa L., from the Moraceae family. Its taste is sweet and neutral, affecting the spleen, stomach, and large intestine meridians. This herb has a laxative effect and nourishes deficiencies, making it clinically useful in treating conditions like blood deficiency and constipation caused by intestinal dryness. It is among the nationally recognized medicinal herbs, with a long history of cultivation and consumption. Semen Cannabis was first recorded in the Book of Poems as cannabis, and its use as a medicinal herb was initially described in the Treatise on “Typhoid Fever”. The “Daily Materia Medica” was the first to use the medicine name “Semen Cannabis.” The origin of Semen Cannabis is believed to have been in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and subsequently shifted to the Yangtze River basin and areas north of it following the Tang Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, the cultivation scale of the herb is to have expanded. Following the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, the provenance of the herb gradually expanded to encompass the entire country. Currently, it is primarily cultivated in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan, Guangxi, and other regions. Among these, the herbs produced in Heilongjiang and Guangxi are of the highest quality.
Traditional Chinese Medicine