

Visual Analysis of Acupotomy Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Based on CiteSpace
摘要 目的:本研究旨在运用文献计量学方法分析针刀治疗腰椎间盘突出症(Lumbar Disc Protrusion)的研究现状、研究热点、研究趋势。方法:通过对2000年1月至2023年12月中国知网、万方、维普三大数据库中关于针刀治疗LDH的文献进行检索整理与筛选后,通过CiteSpace6.2.R4,分析作者、机构、关键词共现、聚类、突现词,绘制知识图谱。结果:本研究共收录文献1354篇,发文量总体呈上升趋势;核心作者为郭长青;发文量最多的机构为北京中医药大学。通过对关键词的分析,炎性因子、超微针刀、超声引导等代表了新的研究趋势。结论:目前该领域研究热点从治疗方式的简单结合转向传统医学与现代科技融合发展。未来可视化的超声引导、更加精密的操作工具、多维度的疗效评价指标等可能会成为新的研究热点。Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the current research status, research hotspot and research trend of acupotomy treatment of lumbar disc protrusion by bibliometrics. Methods: The literature on acupotomy treatment of LDH in CNKI, Wanfang and VIP from January 2000 to December 2023 was searched, sorted and screened, and the author, institution, keyword co-occurrence, clustering and breakout words were analyzed by CiteSpace6.2.R4, and the knowledge map was constructed. Results: A total of 1354 papers were included in this study, and the number of published papers showed an increasing trend. The core author is Guo Changqing;The institution with the largest number of papers is Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and internal cooperation is the main among the universities. Research hotspots of acupotomy treatment of lumbar disc herniation focus on treatment methods, clinical efficacy, lumbar function, etc. The research types are mainly review and clinical observation. Besides acupotomy, the treatment methods mainly include massage, traction, electroacupuncture, ozone and other combined treatment methods. Inflammatory factors, ultra-micro needle-knife, and ultrasound guidance represent new research trends since 2018. Conclusion: Before, the research focus in this field was mainly on research types and treatment methods, and the treatment methods gradually changed from simple combination to integration of traditional medicine and modern science and technology. There is a lack of high-quality clinical research and in-depth basic research in the type of research, and more standardized research in this field is still needed, and cooperation between research teams and institutions needs to be strengthened. In the future, visual ultrasound guidance, more precise operating tools, and multi-dimensional efficacy evaluation indicators may become new research hotspots.
出处 《中医学》 2024年第9期2273-2283,共11页 Traditional Chinese Medicine
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