膝骨性关节炎是一种以膝关节软骨退行性病变和继发性骨质增生为特征的慢性关节疾病。多患于中老年人群,女性多于男性,且随着年龄增长,发病率逐渐上升。其症状多表现为膝盖红肿痛、上下楼梯痛、坐起立行时膝部酸痛不适等,严重时可能导致关节畸形和功能障碍。在治疗方面,膝骨性关节炎可通过中医外治法、运动治疗、物理治疗、药物治疗以及手术治疗等多种方式进行干预。本文将整理近年来中医外治治疗膝骨性关节炎的相关文献,为今后临床诊治提供参考。Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease characterized by cartilage degeneration and secondary hyperosteogeny. Most of them were in the middle-aged and old people, and the incidence of the disease increased gradually with the increase of age. The symptoms of knee swelling and pain, up and down the stairs pain, sit up and stand up when the knee pain discomfort, serious may lead to joint deformities and dysfunction. In terms of treatment, the knee osteoarthritis can be intervened by external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, exercise therapy, physical therapy, drug therapy and surgery. In this article, we will review the literature on external treatment of knee osteoarthritis osteodystrophy in recent years, and provide references for clinical diagnosis and treatment in the future.
Traditional Chinese Medicine