心律失常主要是由心电的传导部位出现了异常,从而导致节律的异常变化。作为一种常见的心血管疾病,可以单独发生,也可以和其他疾病同时发生。据世界卫组织的数据,在非传染病导致的死亡中,有48%是由于心血管疾病而引起。心血管病是一种严重危害人类健康的疾病,其死亡率高达300万人。心律失常是一种常见的慢性疾病,其发生与发展直接关系到人类的生命与健康。目前,心律失常缺乏特效的治疗方法,多采用阿托品等药物来控制病情,严重时需植入起搏器,具有费用高,病人依从性较差,需定期更换等缺点。另外,长期应用西药还会导致病人对西药产生抗药性,导致药效下降,因此亟需寻找新的替代疗法。本文现将中西医治疗本病的文献归纳如下。Arrhythmia is mainly caused by abnormalities in the conduction site of the electrocardiogram, leading to abnormal changes in rhythm. As a common cardiovascular disease, it can occur independently or simultaneously with other diseases. According to the World Health Organization, 48% of deaths caused by non communicable diseases are due to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a serious disease that endangers human health, with a mortality rate of up to 3 million people. Arrhythmia is a common chronic disease, and its occurrence and development are directly related to human life and health. At present, there is a lack of specific treatment methods for arrhythmia, and drugs such as atropine are often used to control the condition. In severe cases, pacemakers need to be implanted, which has disadvantages such as high cost, poor patient compliance, and the need for regular replacement. In addition, long-term use of Western medicine can also lead to patients developing resistance to Western medicine, resulting in decreased efficacy. Therefore, it is urgent to find new alternative therapies. This article summarizes the literature on the treatment of this disease with traditional Chinese and Western medicine as follows.
Traditional Chinese Medicine