本文通过对谐波放大现象的机理分析,定量分析计算了某110 KV变电所并联电容器投入后对现有电网产生的谐波放大影响,对其电容器串联电抗率合理性进行探究,并结合现场测试数据进行了验证。针对现有并联电容器装置串联电抗器配置不合理的问题提出了改进的措施,为实际应用中如何合理选择电抗率提供了参考。
Based on the analysis of the harmonic amplification phenomena, after the shunt capacitors of a 110 kV substation been turned into operation, the effect of harmonics amplification on the current power system is analyzed quantitatively. The paper investigates the rationality of capacitor reac-tance in series, and verifies with the field test data. The improved measures are put forward, which provide reference for how to select the reactance rate of shunt capacitor reasonably in practical application.
Transmission and Distribution Engineering and Technology