本文基于柯氏四级评估模型和菲力普斯五级投资回报率模型,通过问卷调查法、访谈法、统计分析法、规范研究法对A市妇幼保健院培训效果评估系统深入地分析,找出组织在培训效果评估过程中存在的问题,提出解决对策并对培训效果评估体系进行优化设计,构建出一个完整的培训效果评估体系,为提高医院培训质量,降低培训效果评估成本,改进培训工作提供一定的借鉴。This paper, based on Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model and Phillips’ Five-Level Return on Investment Model, conducts an in-depth analysis of the training effect evaluation system of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital in City A using survey methods, interviews, statistical analysis, and normative research. The study identifies issues present in the process of evaluating training effectiveness and proposes solutions to optimize the training effect evaluation system. By constructing a comprehensive training effect evaluation system, this research aims to enhance the quality of hospital training, reduce the cost of evaluating training outcomes, and provide references for improving training practices.
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