

Research on the Transformation and Upgrading of Chongqing Manufacturing Industry—Taking Banan District as an Example
摘要 新一轮科技进步和全球产业分工体系中,一个地区能否把握机遇实现产业升级决定了其未来市场竞争力。本文以重庆市巴南区为例,测算传统产业和新兴产业的耦合度并确定传统产业和新兴产业耦合发展所处的阶段。测算结论是当前两类产业处于中度耦合状态,意味着有很大的融合发展空间,可以依靠传统产业和新兴产业耦合协调发展实现产业升级。在此基础上提出相应政策保障体制机制,为巴南区产业升级提供理论依据和政策参考。 In the new round of scientific and technological progress and global industrial division of labor system, whether a region can seize the opportunity to realize industrial upgrading determines its future market competitiveness. Taking Banan District of Chongqing as an example, this paper calculates the coupling degree of traditional industries and emerging industries and determines the stage of coupling development of traditional industries and emerging industries. The calculation conclusion is that the two industries are in a moderate coupling state, which means that there is a great space for integration and development, and industrial upgrading can be achieved by relying on the coordinated development of traditional industries and emerging industries. On this basis, the corresponding policy guarantee system and mechanism are put forward to provide theoretical basis and policy reference for industrial upgrading in Banan District.
作者 尚露
出处 《世界经济探索》 2023年第4期405-413,共9页 World Economic Research
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