Japanese ancient literature,born out of Chinese traditional culture,has been influenced exten-sively and profoundly in both form and content.Therefore,the comparative study of Chinese and Japanese classical literature is an indispensable task for us to identify the truth.This paper took the poems of“Kayoujyuei”as the source material to probe into the theme,characteristics and textual research of“Kayou”allusion.The poems of“Kayoujyuei”are the top of the Miscellaneous Poetry in the book of Bunkashureishu which was written in the early period of Heian period in Japan.By comparing the use of a series of images related to“Kayou”in Chinese and Japanese poems,this paper examines the differences between them and explores the blind spots in the previous studies.All those make the allusion of“Kayou”in Heian literature more clearly.
World Literature Studies