Tess Durbeyfield, a tragic character in the works of Thomas Hardy, faces a series of conflicts across the dimensions of personal, social and fatalism, and moves towards her tragic end step by step under the interwoven forces of environment and fate. On a personal level, Tess faces internal conflicts related to emotional entanglements and moral dilemmas. At the social level, Tess lived in the Victorian era with strict social norms, traditional values and class boundaries. This social environment forces her to constantly find a balance between traditional roles and self-actualization. Hardy is a fatalist, in his opinion, Tess’s fate seems to have been predetermined, and it is the combination of environmental factors and the ruthless manipulation of fate that finally leads to her tragic ending. Through this setting, Hardy shows readers the smallness and helplessness of individuals in the face of powerful fate. Through this series of analyses, we can gain insight into Hardy’s critique of Victorian society—in particular, the constraints faced by women, the hypocrisy of morality, and the destruction of rural life by capitalism.
World Literature Studies