文学巨匠海明威于1927年创作的短篇小说《白象似的群山》在世界文学上留下了浓墨重彩的篇章。《白象似的群山》全文简洁精炼,结构精巧,“冰山理论”贯穿其中,带来了极强的解释空间。文章从文中女性形象的话语权视角切入,以海明威的女性情结和福柯的话语权力理论为支点展开文本分析,以期探索《白象似的群山》中女性形象的新边界和新可能。Hills Like White Elephants written by Ernest Miller Hemingway in 1927 has left great influence in world literature with its conciseness and delicate structure. The “iceberg theory” runs through this story, leaving a lot of room for interpretation for readers and researchers. This paper starts from the perspective of the discourse power of female images in Hills Like White Elephants, considering Hemingway’s female complex and Foucault’s discourse power theory as the fulcrum to conduct text analysis, in order to explore new boundaries and possibilities on interpreting female images in Hills Like White Elephants.
World Literature Studies