在前期应用中药胶囊辅助治疗犬瘟热研究的基础之上,本研究将上海三家宠物医院2014~2016年就诊的186只犬瘟热病犬随机分成两组,第一组96只,仅用西药治疗。第二组90只,在西药治疗的基础上用课题组研发的中药胶囊进行辅助治疗。后随机选取64只(每组32只),采集治疗前和治疗7天后的外周血血清中的犬瘟热病毒抗原进行ELISA检测。结果显示:用药前中药辅助治疗组的平均病毒含量高于单用西药组,但经t检验后,P >0.05,差异不显著;用药7天后中药辅助治疗组的平均病毒含量显著低于单用西药组,经t检验,P <0.01,差异极显著,表明中药辅助治疗能有效地杀灭犬瘟热病毒。
Based on the study of assisted treatment of canine distemper with heat clearing Chinese medicine, In this study, 186 sickness dogs infected with CDV from 3 pet hospitals in Shanghai from 2014-2016 were randomly allocated to two groups. The first group 96 was cured by western medicine. The second group 90 was treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) adjuvant treatment based on conventional western medicine. Randomly selecting 64 sickness dogs (32 in each group), the CDV antigens in peripheral blood serum before treatment and 7 days of post-treatment were detected by ELISA. The results showed that before treatment, the average viral content in the TCM adjuvant treatment group was higher than western medicine group. But after the t test, P >0.05, the difference was not significant. The average virus content of 7 days of post-treatment in the TCM adjuvant treatment group was significantly lower than single use of western medicine group. By t test.
Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine