在企业和社会层面上,博客带来的影响力可谓五花八门,对个人而言,博客则是一个深度沟通的媒介。由于博客已经成为深具影响力的主流媒体,企业必须花更多心思来经营博客(blog)营销。有部份的研究以学校的博客结合学校教学以研究博客对教学效果的帮助,但甚少学者以研究企业博客融入学校教学并探讨对教学效果的帮助。本实证研究以学校教学(实体教学)配合企业所提供的实务博客(虚拟教学)并借以探讨对教学效果的帮助。企业常以许多方式来增加好的名声,但若企业以提供博客配合学校教学是否对企业名声有正面帮助?另博客的讨论区常会有意见领袖(opinion leadership)的出现,当使用博客于学校教学并讨论共同主题时,讨论区的成员对意见领袖的熟悉度是否会影响成员间对讨论区的使用满意度并进而影响其讨论意愿?在博客的教学效果上,我们也探讨了博客的有用性(科技接受模型中的二项重要变量之一)是否会对学习效果造成影响。我们的研究结果显示:1) 企业博客配合学校教学会对企业名声有正面帮助,2) 讨论区的成员对意见领袖的熟悉度会影响成员间对讨论区的使用满意度,3) 博客的有用性确会对学习效果造成影响。
The influence of blogs on the society and enterprises is increasing. For individuals, blogs have be-come a very important medium of communication. Hence, enterprises spend more effort in blog marketing. Several studies have discussed the creation of blogs to assist school learning. However, only a few studies on the integration of an enterprise blog with class learning in school have been conducted. Our empirical study attempts to explore the effect of the integration of an enterprise blog on college learning. The results show the following: 1) the reputation of an enterprise increases when it is integrated with class learning in school;2) the degree of familiarity with the opinion leader in the chat room influences the satisfaction of the members;and 3) the perceived usefulness of an enterprise blog has positive effects on class learning.
Advances in Education