积木游戏是幼儿园最常见也是幼儿最喜爱的游戏之一,对幼儿身体动作、认知、社会性等的发展具有非常重要的作用。教师关于积木游戏的支持策略有助于提高幼儿的积木建构水平,保障积木游戏的顺利开展。在现有文献的基础上,本研究从三个方面总结了教师对积木游戏的支持策略:1) 在积木游戏开展之前,教师可提前做好游戏规划和游戏分组,帮助幼儿明确活动目标和具体的建构计划,讲解示范建构过程等;2) 在积木游戏开展过程中,教师应引导幼儿对自身搭建过程进行监控、调节,通过言语指导启发幼儿自己解决问题;3) 在积木游戏结束后,教师应该注重对幼儿建构过程与作品的评价,同时引导幼儿进行自我评价。对于积木活动支持策略的综述有利于一线教师和其他研究者的理解与借鉴,有效促进幼儿建构水平的发展。未来的研究应进一步检验相关支持策略的有效性,深入探讨各支持策略中幼儿建构水平的实际影响因素。
Building block plays are one of the most common plays in kindergartens and play a very important role in the development of children’s body movements, cognition and sociality. Teachers’ supporting strategies for building block plays help to improve children’s construction level of building blocks and to ensure the implementation of building block play. This study summarizes teachers’ supporting strategies for building block plays from three aspects: 1) Before building block plays are started, teachers can make game planning and game grouping well in advance to help children define their activity goals and specific construction plans, and explain the demonstration construction process, etc. 2) In the process of building block plays, teachers should guide children to monitor and adjust their own building process, and inspire children to solve their own problems through verbal guidance;3) After building block plays are over, teachers should evaluate children’s construction process and works, and guide children to make self-evaluation. The summary of building block play’s supporting strategies is helpful for front-line teachers and other researchers to understand and learn from, and effectively promote the development of children’s construction level. Future researches can confirm the effectiveness of relevant supporting strategies and explore the actual influencing factors of children’s construction level.
Advances in Education