

Design and Exploration of the Course of “Urban Planning Social Survey Method” Based on OBE Concept
摘要 《城乡规划社会调查方法》是城乡规划学科的专业基础课程,调查研究的基本知识和方法技能对于学生专业学习和职业发展具有基础性作用。通过剖析该课程教学中存在的问题,尝试将OBE理念应用到课程教学中,从课程内容设计与专业培养方案相结合入手,强化成果导向和过程性评价,明确课程教学目标、教学内容、教学过程和考核方式。并以实地观察法这一章节为例,说明课程的具体实施方式。以期提高课程教学质量,促进学生专业能力及人文素质的全面提升。 “Urban Planning Social Survey Methods” is a basic professional course for the discipline of urban and rural planning. The knowledge and method skills of survey research play a fundamental role in students’ professional learning and career development. By analyzing the existing problems in the course teaching, the article applies the OBE concept to the course teaching and combines the course content design with the specialized training plan. This course design strengthens the result-oriented and process evaluation, and clarifies the course teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching process and assessment methods. Take the chapter on the field observation method as an example to illustrate the precise implementation of the course. This course exploration aims to improve the quality of course teaching and promote the overall improvement of students’ professional ability and humanistic quality.
作者 张亮
机构地区 浙江树人大学
出处 《教育进展》 2021年第6期1931-1936,共6页 Advances in Education
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