后疫情时代,大学生内卷形势愈发严峻。一方面新冠疫情的冲击在一定程度上给大学生群体带来了普遍焦虑;另一方面新冠疫情导致的就业压力使得大学生就业价值观具有向体制化内卷的趋势。自2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发,在疫情出现局部反复的情况下,大学生群体的心理焦虑问题不断凸显。本研究旨在了解焦虑情绪对大学生内卷行为的影响路径,探究焦虑情绪与大学生学习内卷行为的关系并进一步考察就业价值观的中介作用。结果显示:1) 大学生焦虑情绪显著影响其内卷行为;2) 就业价值观在焦虑情绪与内卷行为的关系中起中介作用。全球新冠肺炎疫情形势仍不明朗,研究结果能够帮助大学生正确看待疫情给国家社会带来的变化,明晰焦虑情绪与内卷行为的关系,树立正确的价值取向。从大学生自身角度研判并优化这种关系,既是大学生追求内涵式发展的现实要求,也是提升获得感与幸福感的内在诉求。
In the post epidemic era, the irrational competition among college students is becoming more and more serious. On the one hand, the impact of COVID-19 has brought general anxiety to college students. On the other hand, the employment pressure caused by COVID-19 makes the employment values of college students have the characteristics of institutionalization. Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia in 2020, the psychological anxiety of college students has been high-lighted constantly in the case of partial recurrence. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence path of anxiety on college students’ irrational competitive behavior, explore the relation-ship between anxiety and college students’ learning irrational competitive behavior, and further investigate the intermediary role of employment values. The results show that: 1) college students’ anxiety significantly affects their irrational competitive behavior;2) Employment values play an intermediary role in the relationship between anxiety and irrational competitive behavior. Global novel coronavirus pneumonia situation is still unclear, the findings can help college students to correctly view the changes brought by the epidemic to the national society, clarify the relationship between anxiety and irrational competition behavior, and establish the correct value orientation. Judging and optimizing this relationship from the perspective of college students is not only the practical requirement for college students to pursue connotative development, but also the internal demand to improve their sense of gain and happiness.
Advances in Education