

The Evaluation of Utilization of Internet Resources in the Party Branches of College Students and Exploration of Optimization Path—Taking Yunnan University as an Example
摘要 高校学生党支部是新时代高级人才培养的重要基地,随着互联网技术的普及与发展,多元互联网资源已然嵌入党建工作全过程。当前有关党支部如何有效利用并盘活互联网资源的研究多从管理者视角出发,忽视了学生群体作为参与主体的个人意愿。本研究以云南大学学生党支部为例,在界定可利用的互联网资源基础上,运用问卷调查法、半结构式访谈评价互联网资源的利用状况,由此提出互联网视域下支部建设的优化路径。结果表明:1) 高校学生党支部主要职能为思想政治教育、日常党务管理、通知与交流。2) 支部成员对利用互联网资源整体持赞成态度;多数认为互联网资源可以提升支部职能发挥的效果与效率。3) 支部建设依然存在思想政治学习重形式而轻实效,深入性欠缺;党务管理流程繁琐,规范性不足;通知传达力有所不足,成员间缺少深入交流等问题。4) 提出了融合学科特点的思想政治党课教育,特色主题党日促进“党建 + 学习”,专人负责、“传帮带”式的管理制度等3条优化路径。研究可为高校学生党支部合理有效地利用互联网资源,营造高质高效、富有活力的党务工作环境提供参考。 With the different types of internet resources embedded in the whole process of party building, we should make use of them reasonably and seek the way to surpass them. Most of the existing studies are from the perspective of managers or authors themselves, ignoring the will of the branch members as the participants. Based on the definition of the available internet resources, this study uses questionnaire and semi-structured interview to evaluate the utilization of Internet resources in the student party branch of Yunnan University, combined with practical experience, the paper puts forward the optimized path of branch construction under the vision of Internet. The results show that: 1) The main functions of the college students’ Party branch are ideological and political education, Daily Party Affairs Management, notification and communication;2) The members of the branch are in favor of the use of internet resources as a whole;most of them think that internet resources can enhance the efficiency of functions;3) There are still some problems in the branch con-struction, such as the ideological and political study emphasizing the form but neglecting the actual effect, and lacking indepth;the party affairs management process is cumbersome and lacking in standardization;the communication ability of the notice is insufficient, and there is a lack of indepth communication among the members;4) Three optimization paths are proposed, including the ideological and political party class education that integrates the characteristics of the disci-pline, the characteristic theme party day to promote “party building + learning”, special person responsible, and the “teaching and leading” management system. The research results can provide reference for college students’ Party branch to make rational use of Internet resources and build a high-quality, efficient and dynamic party work environment.
出处 《教育进展》 2023年第5期2719-2727,共9页 Advances in Education
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