

Through Efficient Group Cooperative Learning, Flexible Implementation of Geography Core Accomplishment
摘要 新课改背景下的素质教育注重学生整体能力的提升,在地理学科中可具象为综合思维、区域认知、地理实践力和人地协调观的地理核心素养。在日常教学中,小组合作学习是培养地理核心素养的重要途径,其中以“综合思维”为主。本文结合初中地理一线教学实例,阐述如何将地理核心素养巧妙融合在小组合作学习中,从教师视角出发,探讨如何在课前根据教学目标选择合适的小组合作学习形式、制定合学任务、细化合学分工,以任务为导向启发学生思维,同时在活动过程中进行管理、合学思路点拨与评价,组织小组展示与组间互评,以及活动后的总结与升华。在小组合作学习的各环节中,教师应注重因材施教,体现“分层教学”的科学理念,紧抓学生表达能力、组织能力、应变能力的培养,突出学生在教学过程中的主体地位,切实落地地理核心素养。 Under the background of the new curriculum reform, quality education pays attention to the improvement of students’ overall ability, which can be embodied in geography as the core accomplishment of comprehensive thinking, regional cognition, geographical practice and manland coordination. In daily teaching, group cooperative learning is an important way to cultivate the core ac-complishment of geography, among which “comprehensive thinking” is the main one. Based on the first-line geography teaching examples in junior middle school, this paper expounds how to skill-fully integrate the core geography accomplishment into group cooperative learning. From the perspective of teachers, this paper discusses how to select appropriate group cooperative learning forms according to the teaching objectives before class, formulate cooperative tasks, refine the division of labor of cooperative learning, and inspire students’ thinking by taking the task as the orientation. At the same time, in the process of the activity, the management, the allocation and evaluation of learning ideas, the organization of group presentation and inter-group mutual evaluation, and the summary and sublimation after the activity. In each link of group cooperative learning, teachers should pay attention to teaching students according to their aptitude, reflect the scientific concept of “hierarchical teaching”, pay close attention to the cultivation of students’ expressive abil-ity, organizational ability and strain ability, highlight the principal position of students in the teaching process, and effectively achieve the core accomplishment of geography.
作者 李家好 张桥
出处 《教育进展》 2023年第5期2903-2907,共5页 Advances in Education
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