In the context of comprehensive rule of law, further strengthening and attaching importance to the legal education of young people is of great significance for building a rule of law society. In the era of self media, people can freely express information and speech, and the speed and scope of this in-formation dissemination are very fast, which poses a serious challenge to mainstream values. It is necessary to strengthen online legal education for young people, as legal education should prepare them for participating in self media networks. The chaos of self media can also affect the cultivation of young people’s legal concepts. In the era of self media, there are some practical difficulties in the legal education of young people on the internet. School legal education has not fully aligned with the times, and family online legal education also faces certain difficulties. The authority of legal education is also challenged by the times. Based on some theoretical analysis, this article proposes coun-termeasures that can create a campus legal scene in line with the era of self media, build a new educational field to resist the impact of the times, and implement punishment strategies to strengthen the authority of legal education.
Advances in Education