
深度学习视域下“翻转 对分”新型混合式教学模式探索——以《多元统计学》课程为例

Exploration of the New Blended Teaching Mode of “Flipped Classroom PAD Class” under the Perspective of Deep Learning—Taking the Course of “Multivariate Statistics” as an Example
摘要 本文以《多元统计学》课程为例,基于深度学习视角,通过目标重建、内容重构、模式创新、考核革新、思政融合等一系列改革措施,有效改善了当前课程教学存在的“混合式教学线上线下脱节”“课程思政两张皮、硬融入”“学习浅表化、高阶能力不足”等问题,为混合式教学有效实施提供了一种新模式。面向深度学习目标构建了“夯实基础、培养能力、启迪思维、提升素养”四维一体的课程育人总目标,注重高阶能力和素养的发展;重构教学内容,提升课程吸引力、高阶性和挑战度,促进学生高阶能力生成;融合现代教育技术,引入对分课堂,变“当堂讨论”为“隔堂讨论”,构建“翻转 对分”新型混合式教学模式,有效改善“双线脱节”状况,同一内容,经过讲授、内化吸收、讨论三个过程分阶段学习,改善了学习浅表化、高阶能力和素养不足问题;多维评价,过程反馈,实现课程教学的动态迭代优化;构建“2结合3融入”思政融入模式,全方位营造潜移默化式的课程育人环境,塑造学生优良品格,提升课程育人实效。 Taking the course of “Multivariate Statistics” as an example, this article effectively addresses the issues of “the disconnection between online and offline mixed teaching”, “the disconnect between ideological and political education and the course itself, and its forced integration”, “superficial learning and insufficient high-level abilities” existing in current course teaching from the perspective of deep learning through a series of reform measures, such as goal reconstruction, content reconstruction, model innovation, assessment innovation, and ideological and political integration. It provides a new model for the effective implementation of mixed teaching. This article constructs a four-dimensional integrated overall goal of curriculum education, which includes “consolidating the foundation, cultivating abilities, inspiring thinking, and improving literacy”, with a focus on the development of high-level abilities and literacy. It reconstructs the teaching content to enhance the attractiveness, high-level nature, and challenge of the course, and promote the generation of students’ high-level abilities. By integrating modern educational technology and introducing the “PAD class” model, it transforms “on-the-spot discussion” into “cross-class discussion”, and constructs a new mixed teaching model of “flipped classroom PAD class”, effectively improving the situation of “disconnection between the two lines”. The same content is learned in three stages: teaching, internalization and absorption, and discussion, which improves the issues of superficial learning, insufficient high-level abilities, and literacy. With multi-dimensional evaluation and process feedback, it achieves dynamic iterative optimization of course teaching. It constructs a “2 combinations and 3 integrations” ideological and political integration model, comprehensively creates a subtle curriculum education environment, shapes students’ excellent character, and enhances the effectiveness of curriculum education.
出处 《教育进展》 2024年第4期865-873,共9页 Advances in Education
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