高校推进课程思政建设和构建三全育人大格局,是新时代高校全面加强、改进思想政治教育工作和提高人才培养质量的有力抓手。针对工科类课程中思政内容偏少偏弱的困境,本文对课程中的课程思政进行了总体设计,明确了课程思政与知识传授间的相互促进关系;通过多面展开和发散实施,将学生的爱国情怀、创新思维和可持续发展理念,根植到课程当中并贯穿于教学全过程。最终,教学上实现“专业基础 能力培养 价值引领”的融合;通过协同“三课堂”作用,将专业发展延伸与科学思维启发融入到时代新人的培养中。通过有效的思政载体元素,提升知识的趣味性和提高学生思政素养,使其增强民族自豪感和自信心,厚植爱国主义情怀,树立严谨的科学精神和工匠精神,从而实现应用型人才的全面发展。
It is a powerful starting point for universities to promote the construction of curriculum ideological and political, and the construction of a “three all” education pattern, which is comprehensively strengthen and improve ideological and political education and improve the quality of talent training in the new era. In view of the dilemma that there is too little and weak ideological and political content in engineering courses, this paper has carried on the overall design of curriculum ideological and political content, and makes clear the mutual promotion relationship between curriculum ideological and political content and knowledge transfer. Through multi-mode expansion and divergent implementation, students’ patriotic feelings, innovative thinking and sustainable development concepts are rooted in the curriculum and run through the whole teaching process. Finally, the teaching achieves the integration of “professional foundation ability training value guidance”. Teachers integrate the extension of professional development and the inspiration of scientific thinking into the training of students through the coordination of “three classes”. Through effective ideological and political carrier elements, enhance the interest of knowledge and improve students’ ideological and political literacy, so that they can enhance national pride and self-confidence, cultivate patriotic feelings, and establish a rigorous scientific spirit and craftsman spirit, so as to achieve the all-round development of applied talents.
Advances in Education