本研究基于Zimmerman提出的“自我调控学习”(Self-regulated Learning)理论,讨论MOOC英语教学环境下学习者自我调控能力的变化趋势。研究对自然学习环境下83名研究生进行问卷调查,并对12名研究生进行访谈。研究发现,学习者的自我调控能力在学期末与学期初相比有不同程度的提高,其中目标设定和自我评价能力有较大幅度提高,在任务策略和环境构建方面增幅较小。学习者的自我调控能力受内部因素与外部因素影响。该研究为MOOC英语教学环境下提升学习者自我调控能力具有一定启示。
Based on the theory of “Self-regulated Learning (SRL)” proposed by Zimmerman, this paper studies the dynamic changes of learners’ self-regulation in English teaching environment. The study conducted a questionnaire survey on 83 graduate students in the natural learning environment, and interviewed 12 graduate students. The research found that learners’ self-regulation had improved in different degrees at the end of the semester compared with the beginning of the semester, with a relatively large increase in goal-setting and self-evaluation abilities, and a slightly increase in task strategies and environment construction. Learners’ self-regulation is influenced by both internal and external factors. The research provides certain implication to the improvement of learners’ self-regulation in MOOC English teaching environment.
Advances in Education