

Oral and Communication Skills for Preschool Teachers—PBL Project-Based Teaching Reform
摘要 《幼儿教师口语与沟通技巧》是学前教育专业的专业选修课,是研究教师口语运用规律与表达沟通技巧的一门应用语言学科。在教育教学过程中,将学生作为学习的主体,是在个人原有经验和知识的基础上通过师生、生生互动,主动地和有选择性地建构属于他们自己的新经验和新知识。对于学生而言,最好的教育是以个性化学习为导向的自我教育。本课程以成果为导向,以PBL项目式教学为改革实践,基于以项目式、理论与实践相结合的教学模式进行课程思政的融入,提高学生的参与度、体验度、自我效能感,增强学生的学科素养、师范生职业能力水平。 “Oral and Communication Skills for Preschool Teachers” is a professional elective course for preschool education, which is an applied language discipline that studies the rules of oral language use and expression and communication skills of teachers. In the process of education and teaching, students are regarded as the main body of learning, and on the basis of their original experience and knowledge, they actively and selectively construct their own new experience and knowledge through teacher-student and student-student interaction. The best education for students is self-education oriented towards individualized learning. This course is results-oriented, takes PBL project-based teaching as the reform practice, and integrates the curriculum ideology and politics based on the teaching mode of combining project-based, theory and practice, so as to improve students’ participation, experience and self-efficacy, and enhance students’ disciplinary literacy and professional ability level of normal students.
作者 齐娜
出处 《教育进展》 2024年第6期956-961,共6页 Advances in Education
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