本文运用会话分析的框架和步骤对一堂阅读课中三个话题序列中的教师话语进行分析,以研究在英语学习活动观下设计的阅读课中,教师话语的会话特征。研究发现教师话语体现为运用扩展话题序列、合理设计话轮、主动分配话轮、及时话语修补的策略。本研究从教师话语层面为落实英语学习活动观提供了新思路。This article applies the framework and steps of conversation analysis to analyze teacher discourse in three topic sequences in a reading class, in order to study the conversation characteristics of teacher discourse in a reading class designed under the perspective of English learning activities. Research has found that teacher discourse is reflected in the use of strategies such as expanding topic sequences, designing turn taking appropriately, actively allocating turn taking, and timely repairing discourse. This study provides new ideas for implementing the concept of English learning activities from the perspective of teacher discourse.
Advances in Education