

The Development Logic, Practical Challenges, and Pathway of Developmental Financial Aid and Education in Higher Education from the Perspective of the Integration of the “Five Educations”
摘要 高等院校学生资助育人工作是解决社会教育资源不均的有效举措,是实现立德树人的必然要求。以德、智、体、美、劳“五育”融合为目标,构建高校发展型资助育人体系,形成“解困–育人–成才–回馈”的良性循环,能够有效帮助经济困难学生上好学、学好课、就好业、走好路,使受助学生能够实现可持续性发展。本研究运用文献研究、逻辑分析等方法,探讨高校发展型资助育人工作的发展逻辑、现实困囿,进而进行路径探赜。研究认为高校发展型资助育人工作的发展逻辑体现在实现学生全面发展的教育逻辑、依托生产力发展水平的经济逻辑、强调资助程序公平正义的法治逻辑等三个方面,蕴含着丰富的思想政治教育资源,但在实践中往往困囿于缺乏统一标准、重物质轻精神、重公平轻育人等现实问题,致使育人效果不佳。本研究聚焦学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,深度挖掘以五育融合发展为核心的高校发展型资助育人模式路径的可行性,探索高校发展型资助育人的新模式,为高校学生资助工作转型提供路径指引。Student financial aid in higher education institutions is an effective measure to address the uneven distribution of educational resources in society and is a necessary requirement for achieving moral education. By aiming to integrate the “five educations” of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor education, a developmental financial aid system in colleges can be constructed. This system forms a virtuous cycle of “assistance - education - talent development - giving back,” effectively helping economically disadvantaged students to excel academically, secure good employment, and lead successful lives, thereby enabling their sustainable development. This study uses literature research and logical analysis to explore the developmental logic and practical challenges of student financial aid in higher education, and to investigate potential pathways. The study argues that the developmental logic of financial aid in higher education is reflected in three aspects: the educational logic of achieving comprehensive student development, the economic logic based on productivity development levels, and the legal logic emphasizing fairness and justice in aid procedures. These aspects contain rich resources for ideological and political education. However, in practice, challenges such as the lack of unified standards, emphasis on material over spiritual aid, and prioritization of fairness over education often hinder the effectiveness of educational outcomes. This study focuses on the comprehensive development of students in moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor education, deeply exploring the feasibility of a developmental financial aid model centered on the integration of the five educations, and seeks to provide a new model for student financial aid in higher education, offering a pathway for the transformation of student aid work.
作者 成思慧
出处 《教育进展》 2024年第8期737-741,共5页 Advances in Education
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