进入新时代,思想政治教育课程作为培育社会主义事业的合格建设者和可靠接班人的关键环节,其重要性愈发凸显。当前,民族地区高等职业院校的思政课程在教学实践中虽已取得一定成效,但仍面临诸多挑战,尤其是由于地理位置偏远,对思政课程的重要性认识不足。鉴于此,本文立足于民族地区高等职业院校地域的特殊性,聚焦实际问题,从课程融合、师资队伍建设等多角度提出针对性建议,旨在提升民族地区高等职业院校思政课程的教学质量,更好地培养具有高素质的社会主义建设者和接班人。Entering the new era, courses in ideological and political education, as a critical component in nurturing qualified builders and reliable successors for the socialist cause, have become increasingly significant. Currently, while ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges in ethnic regions has achieved certain progress in teaching practice, it still confronts many challenges. Particularly, due to their remote geographical locations, there is inadequate recognition of the importance of such courses. In light of this, this paper, based on the unique regional characteristics of higher vocational colleges in ethnic areas, focuses on practical issues. It proposes targeted suggestions from multiple perspectives, including curriculum integration and faculty development, with the aim to enhance the teaching quality of ideological and political education courses in these institutions in order to cultivate high-caliber builders and successors for the socialist cause.
Advances in Education