阅读是高中生进行英语学习的基础,也是高中英语教学的重要组成部分。受应试教育影响,在高中英语阅读教学中,“自上而下”等传统英语阅读教学模式仍然占据主导地位,学生的整体阅读能力和阅读效率难以得到提升。然而,英语学科核心素养的提出要求英语阅读教学不能只局限于文本信息和语言知识,更要使学生通过阅读得以开阔视野、领会文化并进行全面发展。近年来,许多学者强调图式理论在英语阅读教学中的重要作用,指出教师可以在阅读教学中借助形式图示、内容图示和语言图示帮助学生更好地理解阅读文本,实现高效阅读。本文以新人教版高中英语教材中的一篇阅读材料为例,探讨如何在图式理论的指导下设计读前、读中、读后活动。Reading is the foundation of English learning for high school students and an important part of high school English teaching. Under the influence of exam-oriented education, traditional English reading teaching modes such as “top-down” are still dominant in high school English reading teaching, and it is difficult to improve students’ overall reading ability and reading efficiency. However, the proposal of core literacy in English requires that English reading teaching should not be limited to textual information and linguistic knowledge, but also enable students to broaden their horizons, understand culture and develop holistically through reading. In recent years, many scholars have emphasized the important role of schema theory in English reading teaching, pointing out that teachers can help students better understand the reading text and achieve efficient reading with the help of form schema, content schema and language schema in reading teaching. In this paper, we take a reading material in PEP high school English textbook as an example to explore how to design pre-reading, reading and post-reading activities under the guidance of schema theory.
Advances in Education