新时代人才培养要求五育并举,美育作为其中重要方面在学生成长发展中具有重要作用,美育在物理教学中的渗透趋势愈发明显。本文试图从美育视角分析在物理教学中学生美育的思路和逻辑,结合美育的培养要求,总结出物理教学中美育的六个阶段:美育潜伏阶段、美育现象阶段、美育领会阶段、美育表现阶段、美育鉴赏阶段、美育创造阶段。本文通过物理教学分析和举例,希望为物理教学过程和方法的优化、物理教学中美育的渗透提供一定的参考,以便更好提高教学效率,提升美育效果。Talent cultivation requires the simultaneous development of five kinds of Education in the new era. Aesthetic education is a significant one and plays an important role in the growth and development of students. Therefore, the trend of the mutual penetration of aesthetic education and physics teaching is becoming more and more obvious. This paper attempts to analyze the ideas and logic of students’ aesthetic education in physics teaching from the perspective of aesthetic education and summarizes the six stages of aesthetic education in physics teaching: latent stage, appearance stage, comprehension stage, display stage, appreciation stage, and creation stage. This paper hopes to provide a certain reference for the optimization of the process and method of physics teaching and the penetration of aesthetic education in physics teaching through analysis and examples of physics teaching to better improve the teaching efficiency and the effect of aesthetic education.
Advances in Education