高等数学对大部分学生而言,无论是专业必修还是考研,都是必须要迈过的“坎”。笔者基于高等数学课程学习的重要性,结合当前信息化的时代背景,以及教学所面向的“屏一代”学生群体,对高等数学的线上线下教学模式进行探究,以期解决当前高数教学过程中存在的相关问题。本文结合实际教学情况,分析当前学生在学习高等数学过程中存在,畏难情绪普遍,课前预习课后复习不到位,知识点应用难度大,课堂教学形式单一,课程评价机制不完善等问题。针对这些问题,从课前,课中,课后三个方面入手,依托线上学习、交流平台探索出能够帮助学生有效学习高等数学的教学模式。Higher Mathematics is a hurdle that most students have to overcome, whether it is a required course for their major or for graduate entrance examination. Based on the importance of Higher Mathematics course learning, in the current informationized background, and the “screen generation” of students that the teaching faces, this paper explores the online and offline teaching model of Higher Mathematics to address the existing problems in the teaching process. This paper analyzes the actual teaching situation and identifies that students generally have a fear of difficulty, do not do adequate pre-class preparation and post-class review, find it difficult to apply knowledge points, and that the teaching form in class is monotonous. It also identifies that the evaluation mechanism for the course is not perfect. In view of these problems, from the perspectives of pre-class, in-class, and post-class, this paper relies on the online learning and communication platform to explore the teaching mode that can help students learn higher mathematics effectively.
Advances in Education