新时代国际力量发生变化,全球课题不断增加,中国参与全球治理越来越多。让世界了解中国的需求越来越迫切,国家需要中译外人才来完成讲好中国故事、对外传播的使命。加强我国国际传播能力建设,培养中译外能力的人才成为高校的时代任务。本文厘清中译外能力构成要素,立足高校人才培养的现状,分析中译外人才培养中出现的种种问题,探究中译外人才培养路径,以便更好完成培养对外传播人才的使命。In the context of new era, international powers has kept changing so that global issues are on the increase, in the meanwhile, China’s participation in global governance is growing. Therefore, the need to let China understood by the world become all the more urgent. China needs more translators to fulfill the mission of telling China’s story and communicate to the outside. Strengthening the building of international communication capacity and training more translators for the translation of Chinese into foreign languages have become the task of Chinese higher education currently. This paper is aimed to clarify the definition of translation competence for the translation of Chinese into foreign languages first;then based on the current situation of translators cultivation in Chinese high education, the problems in the cultivation of translators will be analyzed;finally, the path of translator training for the translation of Chinese into foreign languages will be explored so as to ideally fulfill the national mission of cultivating talents for foreign communication.
Advances in Education