为了贯彻落实“学生中心、产出导向、持续改进”的高校工程教育认证专业的课程建设理念,探索建立基于产出导向的软件工程课程教学模式,本文分析目前软件工程课程教学中存在的问题与不足,提出了以面向产出为导向的课程教学思路,探讨如何围绕课程目标组织教学和考核内容,以能力递进为原则开展教学和加强对学生的能力培养。本文通过课程目标达成度分析,结果表明,在课程教学中采用该模式的教学效果有比较明显的提升。In order to implement the concept of “student-centered, output-oriented, and continuous improvement” in the curriculum construction of engineering education certification majors in universities, we explore the establishment of a software engineering course teaching model based on output orientation. We analyze the problems and shortcomings in current software engineering course teaching, propose an output-oriented course teaching approach, and explore how to organize teaching and assessment content around course objectives, carry out teaching and strengthen student ability development based on the principle of ability progression. Through the analysis of the degree of achievement of course objectives, the results show that the teaching effect of adopting this model in course teaching has been significantly improved.
Advances in Education