随着智能手机普及,大学生对手机的依赖程度越来越高,这种现象对大学生的学业倦怠产生了深远的影响。本文通过总结归纳国内外文献的结论,多角度分析了手机依赖与学业倦怠的关系,进一步综述了当前关于手机依赖对大学生学业倦怠影响的研究现状,并针对这一问题提出相应的对策解析,对促进学生的健康发展具有重要的现实意义和应用价值。With the popularity of smart phones, college students have become more and more dependent on mobile phones, and this phenomenon has had a profound impact on their academic burnout. This paper summarizes the conclusion of domestic and foreign literature, analyzes the relationship between mobile phone dependence and academic burnout, further summarizes the current research on the dependence on college students’ academic burnout, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, to promote the healthy development of students has important practical significance and application value.
Advances in Education