证明标准问题作为三大诉讼法学与证据法学中的重要内容,于法学本科教育阶段中的刑事诉讼法、民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法、证据法课程中均具有关键意义。为树立学生正确的法律价值观、科学的法学学习思维,为形成学生未来从事法律职业应有的专业素养与综合素质,在教学中引导学生在学习中融会贯通、从学习中学有所得、在实践中学以致用,是程序法教学的重要意义之一。本文以民事诉讼法课程教学与刑事诉讼法课程教学为出发点,以证明标准问题为切入点,使用翻转课堂教学法、研讨式案例教学法相结合的教学方式,尝试为程序法教学提出新见解,为程序法学习提出新思路。As an important content in the three major litigation jurisprudences and evidence jurisprudence, the issue of standard of proof is of key significance in the undergraduate education of criminal procedure law, civil procedure law, administrative procedure law and evidence law courses. To establish students’ correct legal values and scientific thinking in legal studies, and to form students’ professionalism and comprehensive quality that should be engaged in the legal profession in the future, it is one of the important meanings of procedural law teaching to guide students to be coherent in learning, to learn something from learning, and to apply what they learned in practice. This paper takes the teaching of civil procedure law course and the teaching of criminal procedure law course as the starting point, takes the problem of standard of proof as the entry point, uses a combination of flipped class teaching methodology and seminar-based case teaching methodology, tries to put forward new insights for the teaching of procedural law, and puts forward new ideas for the learning of procedural law.
Advances in Education