高等院校开展环境类通识教育是提升大学生生态环境健康素养水平的重要举措之一,本文以《生态环境与健康》课程为例,开展高校环境类通识教育的教学探索。实践表明,明确教学目标,合理安排教学内容,采用灵活多样的教学方法,构建多元化的课程评价体系,可以有效地激励学生的学习积极性,提升教学效果,实现课程教学目标。Carrying out environmental general education in higher education institutions is one of the important measures to enhance the ecological and environmental health literacy level of college students. This article takes the course of “Ecological Environment and Health” as an example to explore the teaching mode of environmental general education in universities. Practice has shown that clarifying teaching objectives, arranging teaching content reasonably, adopting flexible and diverse teaching methods, and constructing a diversified curriculum evaluation system can effectively motivate students’ learning enthusiasm, improve teaching effectiveness, and achieve curriculum teaching objectives.
Advances in Education